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HengLi Eletek Co.,Ltd
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specialized equipment for lithium iron phosphate industry
Specification: Atmosphere Belt Furnace
Detail: The mass production of LiFePO4, pre-firing, firing and other heat treatment processes of various products.
ht series pusher kiln
Specification: HT
Detail: De-binding, pre-firing, firing and annealing of advanced ceramic material, lithium batteryŁ¬electronic component, powder metallurgy and so on.
ht series pusher kiln
Specification: HT
Detail: De-binding, pre-firing, firing and annealing of advanced ceramic material, lithium batteryŁ¬electronic component, powder metallurgy and so on.
hsf series hot air convectional reflow oven
Specification: HSF
Detail: SMD element reflow soldering, chip joining, and so on.
hxl series box oven
Specification: HXL
Detail: For small scale production or various kinds of high temp heat treatment lab.
hxf series hot air circulating box oven
Specification: HXF
Detail: Welding and drying of semiconductor and precision component in N2 atmosphere, de-binding of ceramic, curing of organic material, especial drying etc.
hzl series atmosphere bell type oven
Specification: HZL
Detail: Pre-firing, firing and co-firing of microwave ferrite, magnetic material, advanced ceramics, electronic component, powder metallurgy and so on
hsa series high temperature atmosphere conveyor furnaces
Specification: HSA
Detail: Sealing, metalizing, brazing, oxidizing, annealing in protective atmosphere for manufacturing of products such as chip bonding, electronic packaging, HTCC, DBC, VFD, PDP, heat exchanger and so on.
hsk series thick film firing furnace
Specification: HSK
Detail: Thick film products firing such as Hybrid IC, chip-R, SMD components terminal, LTCC, stainless steel heater, solar cell and other similar products.
hsg series infrared drying furnace
Specification: HSG
Detail: Drying and curing of water and organic solvent.Such as solar panel and thick film drying, epoxy curing etc.
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